Renewable Energy Solar Power

10 Şubat 2012 Cuma

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The sun provides an enormous amount of energy passing through the process of fusion is released into the sun. This energy can be exploited and used.

Advantages of using solar energy: It is useful in remote operations such as satellite, pollution is obviously free, the cost of maintaining low and it is decentralized energy source.

Disadvantage among some as the involment of the high initial cost or the installation and also during the winter season would knock energy weakens defeneatly.

Methods of developing solar energy: solar energy is currently used by two different routes, namely, solar thermal and solar photovoltaic route route.

Thermal Process
Under this method, solar energy into heat via concentrators as blackened leaf, multi-reflector, etc., solar cookers, solar water heating systems, solar desalination, solar heaters and solar steam generator converts have been developed to operate on solar energy. Temperatures ranging from 90 ° C with solar cookers to 3000 ° C in the solar steam generator can be achieved through the use of concentrators, depending on the type of application.

Photovoltaic Power
Under this method, the solar energy directly into electricity at a certain materials such as silicon, compounds of aluminum, gallium and arsenic, when used with impurities such as phosphorus, borane, etc. and exposed to sun rays a stream of electrons can be to generate electricity. This technology is known as photovoltaic technology.

Solar photovoltaic systems have a wide range of applications such as lighting, water pumping and telecommunications. The most important applications is the use in outer 'space to the transmission equipment in the artificial satellite is installed. They are particularly useful for rural and remote areas. Solar cooling is used to obtain vaccines and drugs. Also, solar chargers defense personnel are used for communication in remote areas.

A solar cell is essentially a semiconductor device processed and prepared in a manner which allows the generation of electricity when light falls on it. Silicon is the most commonly used material in the manufacture of solar cells. India is one of the six countries that have developed the technology for the production of poly-silicon material.

Current restrictions on the use of solar energy: The generation of electricity from solar energy, although it is technically feasible or not the stage of commercial viability to achieve. In the prevailing cost of solar cells, the cost of the facilities and the cost of producing electricity from solar energy are produced very high compared to the cost of electricity from other conventional sources.

The solar thermal programs in India include popularization of solar cookers, water heaters, desalination units, and unit heaters. Solar hot water systems have relatively more popular in India. World's largest solar steam cooking system has been successfully Park at Tirumala, Andhra Pradesh installed, catering to cook two meals daily for 15,000 people. The system saves the equivalent of one lakh liters of diesel per year. The second largest use of these systems is at Talati in Mount Abu, catering to 10,000 people. Similar system is set to Shirdi Sai Baba in Andhra Pradesh Samsthan to 3000 people.

Solar Pond
There is a pond with the capability of solar radiation into thermal energy, which is then used for various purposes to convert.

Method: The water (as any liquid) is lighter, less dense when exposed to high temperatures. In any normal pond water when the water is heated by sunlight, it becomes lighter and rises from the bottom of the pond to the surface and loses its heat to the atmosphere. Thus, the water remains in a normal ambient temperature of the pond.

But in a solar pond, the salt in the lower layer of the pond is released. This makes the water heavy in the lower layer and therefore do not rise AHow hot water to the surface. Thus, the heat in the pond itself is included.

In fact, solar pond consists of three zones. The upper zone has low salt content and is at atmospheric temperature. The bottom layer is very hot (70 ° -100 ° C) and very salty. It collects and stores solar energy into heat energy. The middle zone is a transitional zone, which allows solar heat to reach the lower layer and trapped -. The heat energy from the pond is then withdrawn in the form of hot salt water from the lower zone.

Solar Appliances
Solar heating systems: it consists of a flat plate collector solar system, blackened pipes and a storage tank. The water is heated by solar energy, with applications both in the home (such as houses, hotels) and industries (eg textiles)

Solar cooker: It can be reached a temperature range of 100-300 ° C and used for domestic cooking and community are. It preserves nutrients in food than cooking is slow. Also, cooking fuels are conserved. However, high cost and cooking time is longer.

Solar air heaters: It offers hot and dry air that can be used for controlled drying, are used in cold regions under hygienic conditions of food grains, vegetables, fruits, etc., can also for space heating can and process heat in industry requirement to be.

Solar Steam Generator: temperatures up to 3000 ° C can be used using concentrating solar collectors such as parabolic line focusing system, satellite-point focusing system, etc. The steam can be generated to produce electricity.

Solar House: This is a new concept in which the buildings are designed, based on the climatic characteristics to use in an optimal way, solar energy and reduce dependence on commercial energy. For example, in Shimla, the houses are designed to retain solar heat, while minimizing heat gain in hot regions.

Solar Desalination: Solar energy is used to evaporate sea water to remove the salts.

Renewable Energy Solar Power

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